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A lot of time, thought and passion is what makes a painting flourish.  The artist must devote themselves, giving the art purpose and emotion into the work, creating life within each brush stroke. Something so vulnerable yet so bold.

Who doesnt get cheered up by flowers? The femininity and delicate nature of flowers is such a wonderful thing. 

"Flowers are the music of the ground. From Earth's lips spoken without sound." - Edwin Curran

A lot of work and thought goes into my art. It isn't just about the colour schemes, or subjects themselves. It's about embracing something within myself authentically and putting that on a visual platform as an expression of my inspirations, passions and beliefs. The soft, peacefulness of nature and life is what gives me a reason to paint.

Who doesnt get cheered up by flowers? The femininity and delicate nature of flowers is such a wonderful thing. 

"Flowers are the music of the ground. From Earth's lips spoken without sound." - Edwin Curran